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You Decide Series

You Decide Series

You Decide Series
Product Number 1120A
Price: $214.97


You Decide Series

Ages: 7-10. Each of these innovative storybooks follows a main character through a single day as he/she makes choices about how to behave. Different choices lead to different pages in the book, with different outcomes. The accompanying workbooks reinforce 12 emotional intelligence skills that will reduce stress and guide children to outcomes where they will find greater self-determination and success. Storybooks are 48-pages; workbooks are 66-pages; spiral bound.

Series includes one each of the following 6 titles:

You Decide About Coping with Loss
By Greg Elkins. In this book Tyrone's father has cancer. Tyrone's mother says that his father won't ever leave the hospital and will die soon. Tyrone is overcome with anger and sadness, and he doesn't even want to talk to his father. Tyrone learns to cope with his anger and sadness while trying to express his love for his father. As Tyrone faces twelve different decisions, he must make one of three choices, and each choice will lead to a different outcome. When someone you love is dying it is hard to know what to do, but as a reader finds out, some choices are definitely better than others. The workbook, by Karen Schader, is designed to help children learn twelve techniques to cope with loss, with the support of a caring adult. These techniques are commonly used in treatment programs for children who have experienced a loss that significantly affects them. Although grief may resurface at different developmental stages, a comprehensive approach to helping children through the process of grieving can make an important difference in their recovery from loss.

You Decide About Handling Your Anger
By Lawrence E. Shapiro, Ph.D. In the book David is a challenging child with a quick temper. As he goes through his day, he encounters many different problems and frustrations and must decide how to handle them and his anger. As David faces twelve different decisions, he must make one of three choices, and each choice will lead to a different outcome. David's good choices result in positive feedback from others and a better understanding of his problems, but his poor choices only cause more problems. The workbook, by Karen Schader, is designed to help children learn twelve techniques to deal with anger, with the support of a caring adult. These techniques are commonly used in treatment programs for children who have anger-control problems.

You Decide About Dealing With Fears
By Lawrence E. Shapiro, Ph.D. In this book, Sasha is afraid of many things, particularly speaking or performing in front of others. As she prepares for her evening piano recital, she must make decisions about giving in to her fears or coping with them. Childhood fears and worries are often very troublesome, but they can be overcome. Sasha faces twelve critical decisions about whether to give in to her fears or deal with them. Some decisions make her feel even worse, while others make her proud of her accomplishments. The workbook is designed to help children learn twelve techniques to deal with their fears and anxieties, with the support of a caring adult. These techniques are commonly used in treatment programs for fearful and anxious children.

You Decide About Teasing & Bullying
By Lawrence E. Shapiro, Ph.D. Margaret and some of her friends decide to form a teasing club at school. One friend, Gillie, is faced with decisions about staying in the club or protecting the victims of Margaret's meanness. As Gillie faces twelve different decisions, she must make one of three choices, and each choice will lead to a different outcome. Gillie's good choices result in positive feedback from others and a better understanding of her problems, but her poor choices only cause more problems. The workbook is designed to help children learn twelve techniques to better cope with teasing and bullying. The techniques in this workbook will not only help children deal with teasing and bullying but will also help them develop social skills that will lead to better friendships.

You Decide About Handling Frustration
By Lawrence E. Shapiro, Ph.D. Ryan has a problem with math. His father helps him, and when he needs further help from a tutor he has to miss soccer practice. He is not only frustrated by his work, he is also frustrated with the hard choices he has to make. As Ryan faces twelve different decisions, he must make one of three choices, and each choice will lead to a different outcome. Ryan's good choices result in positive feedback from others and a better understanding of his problems, but his poor choices only cause more problems. The workbook is designed to help children learn twelve techniques to help them deal with the inevitable frustrations they will encounter in their lives. As children learn to more effectively cope with frustration, both their schoolwork and interpersonal relationships will improve.

You Decide About Coping With Divorce
By Greg Elkins. In this book Annie keeps getting put in the middle of her parents very angry divorce. Sometimes she enjoys the extra attention from her parents, but other times she feels helpless. As Annie faces twelve different decisions, she must make one of three choices, and each choice will lead to a different outcome. Some of the decisions feel right to Annie, but hurt her father's or her mother's feelings. Other decisions show that she can cope with the problems faced by all children of divorce and respect the feelings of others while standing up for herself. The workbook, by Lawrence E. Shapiro, Ph.D., is designed to help children learn twelve techniques to cope with the stress of divorce. It takes a long time for children to adjust to their parents' divorce, and it is not usually a smooth road. But the more opportunities children have to express and understand their feelings, the easier this transition will be.

Each activity in the workbooks consists of five parts:

  • An explanation of the technique
  • An opportunity to practice the technique
  • A fill-in-the-blank story about the technique
  • An activity to create positive thoughts
  • An art activity that helps reinforce the technique by stimulating a child's imagination

    Titles also sold individually.

  • For Teens Only Pamphlet: Date Rape 25 pack
    Health Secrets Pamphlet: Exercise and a Better You 25 pack
    Social Media Savvy Ball
    For Teens Only Pamphlet: Date Rape 25 pack Health Secrets Pamphlet: Exercise and a Better You 25 pack Social Media Savvy Ball
    The Journey to Transcendence   Teen Card Game
    You Decide About Teasing & Bullying Book & Workbook
    I'm Not Bad, I'm Just Mad Workbook
    The Journey to Transcendence Teen Card Game You Decide About Teasing & Bullying Book & Workbook I'm Not Bad, I'm Just Mad Workbook
    The Anger and Aggression Workbook
    Life Skills 101 Pamphlet: Perfect Timing   Time Management Skills 25 pack
    PeaceTalks   Handling Peer Pressure and Gangs DVD
    The Anger and Aggression Workbook Life Skills 101 Pamphlet: Perfect Timing Time Management Skills 25 pack PeaceTalks Handling Peer Pressure and Gangs DVD

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