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What's Eating You? Workbook

What's Eating You? Workbook

Whats Eating You? Workbook
Product Number 1486
Price: $16.95


What's Eating You? Workbook

Ages 12-18. A "must have" collection for anyone who works with teens. Living in a culture obsessed with body size and shape, it can be hard to feel good about the way you look, But eating disorders caused by unrealistic body image ideals create much larger problems-diminished self-confidence, unhealthy eating and exercising habits, and an inability to see yourself as a person rather than a number on the scale.

This workbook takes aim at the motivations behind your relationship with food and helps you to better understand how your need to control what you eat can end up controlling you.

This workbook is also part of the Emotional Intelligence Set of 10 Workbooks

This workbook is also part of the Emotional Intelligence Set of 16 Workbooks

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