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The You & Me Social Skills Scriptbook

The You & Me Social Skills Scriptbook

Product Number 340912
Price: $26.95

The You & Me Social Skills Scriptbook

Ages: 8-12. By Hennie Shore. This scriptbook is designed to teach children the skills they need to think about their social behavior, recognize how it affects others, and work toward changing negative patterns. It gives them a fun and educational forum in which they can enact familiar scenarios and effect positive outcomes. As they say the words and practice skills that are most effective for positive behavior change, they learn how to handle real-life situations.

Each script provides an everyday scenario where a conflict arises and then must be resolved as the story is read aloud. The scripts deal with being a friend, cooperating, helping, being polite, listening, and more. 108-page, spiral-bound scriptbook.

This scriptbook is also part of The You & Me Social Skills Collection.

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