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The Teen Relationship Workbook & Cards Set

The Teen Relationship Workbook & Cards Set

The Teen Relationship Workbook & Cards Set
Product Number 71400
Price: $61.97


The Teen Relationship Workbook & Cards Set

Grade level: 7-12. Help teens identify healthy and unhealthy relationships.

Set includes:

The Teen Relationship Workbook
By Kerry Moles, CSW, illustrated by Amy Leutenberg Brodsky, LISW. This workbook for professionals helps adolescents develop healthy relationships and prevent dating abuse and domestic violence. Helps teens: identify the healthy and unhealthy characteristics of relationships; understand the basic dynamics of emotional, physical, and sexual abuse in intimate relationships; explore and clarify their own values and attitudes about gender roles; become empowered to make healthy decisions about their own intimate relationships. 142-pages, spiral-bound.

Teen Relationships Cards
This card game is designed to facilitate groups or individual sessions aimed at developing skills for healthy relationships and preventing domestic violence. These cards can be used in a variety of creative ways to engage participants in exploring attitudes, beliefs, and values about relationships.

Products also sold individually.

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