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The Stress Management Program Cards

The Stress Management Program Cards

The Stress Management Program Cards
Product Number 349630
Price: $21.95


The Stress Management Program Cards

Ages:12-Adult. These cards are designed to help group members learn more about themselves and their effectiveness in managing stress. The cards cover a wide variety of topics related to stress including level of stress, healthy lifestyles, coping with stress, resilient personality, and time management.

Sample from Coping with Stress: What services are available in your community to help you cope with stress?
Sample from Healthy Lifestyle: How does a sense of wellness lead to hope and optimism in your life?
Sample from Level of Stress: Describe to the group a time when you experienced stress after a traumatic event.
Sample from Resilient Personality: How could you view a stressful situation in your life as interesting?
Sample from Time Management: Share with the group one way you could stop procrastinating.

75 Cards

It is recommended that this deck of cards be used in conjunction with The Stress Management Program: Inventories, Activities & Educational Handouts and/or Individual Stress Management Assessments. To learn more about The Stress Management Program see product 349807. Or the cards and book can be purchased as a set, see product 374560.
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