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The Social Success Workbook for Teens

The Social Success Workbook for Teens

The Social Success Workbook for Teens
Product Number 1485
Price: $16.95
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The Social Success Workbook for Teens

Ages 12-18. A "must have" collection for anyone who works with teens. Making friends is a skill like any other-there are many rules to follow, ways to measure your progress, and reasons why some people are better at it than others. Although it may seem like this comes naturally to those who don't have Asperger's disorder, nonverbal learning disorder (NLD), or other problems relating to others, the reality is that even the most popular people must constantly hone their abilities in order to make new friends and keep the friends they already have.

This workbook includes forty activities you can do to recognize and use your unique strengths, understand the unspoken rules behind how people relate to each other, and improve your social skills.

This workbook is also part of the Emotional Intelligence Set of 10 Workbooks

This workbook is also part of the Emotional Intelligence Set of 16 Workbooks

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