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The Self Control Card Game

The Self Control Card Game

The Self Control Card Game
Product Number 349675
Price: $27.95


The Self-Control Card Game

Ages: 8 & Up. Developed by Lawrence E. Shapiro, Ph.D.

This clever game approaches self-control in two ways. As players respond to question cards, they think and talk about different aspects of self-control, an important component of emotional intelligence. Then, as they place the cards facedown to form a maze, they actually experience the value of self-control - being patient and looking ahead makes it easier for them to win. Resisting temptation, planning, persisting, and understanding the consequences of impulsive behavior - challenge children to think before they act with this card game! 2-4 players.

50 Self-Control cards
4-Sided Die

This product is also part of the Best Behavior Card Set. To learn more about this set see product 1287A.

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