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The Helping, Sharing, and Caring Card Game

The Helping, Sharing, and Caring Card Game

Product Number 349720
Price: $27.95


The Helping, Sharing, and Caring Card Game

Ages: 4-11. This card game is designed to teach children the importance of helping, sharing, and caring in a fun way. As they play, children learn to match the solution to the given problem. Example: a child sneezes; another child hands him a tissue. When a match is made, the player must tell why that particular behavior is important. The game is cooperative; all players win by helping each other solve the problems. When all of the problems have been solved, everyone wins! There are two levels of play for younger and older children. 2-4 players.

24 Problem Cards
24 Solution Cards

This card game is also part of The Helping, Sharing, and Caring Collection.

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