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The Counselor's Activity Books Series

The Counselor's Activity Books Series

The Counselors Activity Books Series
Product Number 61603
Price: $126.95


The Counselor's Activity Books Series

Ages: 5-12. These five fun-filled activity books give children the skills they need to deal with bullies, control their own anger, get along with others, deal with their emotions, and make difficult situations easier. Stories, activities, puzzles, and games make learning fun for children. Workbooks are 80-108 pages.

Series includes one each of the following workbooks:

The Coping Skills Workbook
Ages: 7-12. By Lisa M. Schab, L.C.S.W. and illustrated by Andy Myer. Teaches kids nine essential skills to help deal with real-life crisis. This workbook is designed to give children the basic tools they need for emotional self-care. Activities and scenarios challenge children to learn nine coping skills, including: becoming adept at labeling feelings, deciding what they need, listing things they can and can't change, and suggesting ways to make things better.  Item # 61547

The Don't Be Difficult Workbook
Ages: 6-12. By Lawrence E. Shapiro, Ph.D. Hennie M. Shore. A workbook to help children consider the consequences of both positive and negative choices. Should you take the "right road" to solving a conflict or the "hard road" which will ultimately make your life more difficult? That is the question that this workbook asks children to ponder, as they learn about six kids who are faced with a variety of common problems. Item # 61536

The You Me Workbook
Ages: 7-12. By Lisa M. Schab, LCSW. A book that teaches social skills and social awareness. This workbook is designed to help children learn and practice the basic social skills needed to develop and maintain healthy relationships. Children learn many practical methods of coping and thriving in social situations, methods that will benefit them throughout their lives. Each section of the book teaches children specific behavioral skills using activities, puzzles, and games.  Item # 63564

No More Bullies! Workbook
Ages: 5-12. By Marcia Shoshana Nass. Based on the No More Bullies! game, this workbook teaches kids how to handle tough guys. Sam is afraid to go to school because he is afraid of Henry, the bully who has been picking on him lately. Sam is even having nightmares about being picked on. What is Sam to do? Hidden in the activity book are many important tips on how to deal with bullies like Henry. This workbook can help instill confidence and courage in kids who are bullied and help guide them to a peaceful resolution of their problem. Become "bully smart" with this fun activity book, which includes puzzles, mazes, and word searches, plus lots of tips for standing up to bullies! Item # 61530

The Anger Solution Workbook
Ages: 7-12. By Lisa M. Schab, L.C.S.W. This workbook helps children learn how to work out their problems, lower their level of anger, and build confidence in their ability to manage their anger safely. It is packed with fun-filled activities that engage even the most resistant child. Item # 63475

Workbooks also sold individually.

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