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The Anger and Aggression Workbook

The Anger and Aggression Workbook

The Anger and Aggression Workbook
Product Number 15686
Price: $49.95


The Anger and Aggression Workbook

Self-Assessment, Exercises & Educational Handouts by Dr. John Liptak and Ester A. Leutenberg.

Help participants learn how anger and aggression are impacting their lives, and how to make constructive changes, gain insight and learn strategies. Each section of the book contains self-assessment instruments, activity handouts, reflection questions for journaling, and educational handouts-all reproducible. This book has been designed as a practical tool for therapists, counselors, psychologists. teachers, and group leaders. Soft Cover, 122 pages.

This workbook is also part of the Life Skills & Mental Health Workbooks Set.
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