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Teen Safety Workbook

Teen Safety Workbook

Teen Safety Workbook
Product Number 1952
Price: $49.95


Teen Safety Workbook

Facilitator Reproducible Self-Assessments, Exercises Educational Handouts. By: John J. Liptak, EdD Ester Leutenberg. Being a teen has always been challenging, but today teens face issues that have been compounded by a rapidly changing society and a plethora of technology. These changes require new strategies in ways to teach teens to protect themselves from the challenges they will constantly face in school and community, and with their friends and family.

Some of the areas in which teens need to worry about their personal safety include:

  • Risks related to violence including bullying, exposure to gangs, and harm from guns and other weapons.
  • Online dangers including harassment, cyber-bullying, sexually explicit materials, identity theft and financial theft and scams, and agreeing to meet strangers in person after developing online relationships.
  • Victimization of crimes.
    oDangerous driving risks including drinking/drugs and driving, underestimating dangerous road situations, texting or using cell phones inappropriately and not wearing seat belts.
  • Peer pressure such as experimenting with drugs and alcohol, having unprotected sex, going to unsafe places by themselves and engaging in risky behaviors.

    The Teen Safety Workbook contains five separate sections to help the participants learn more about the choices they have made and the choices they have yet to make in their lives:

    1. Positive Feelings Scale helps teens explore the negative feelings they are experiencing in life and learn effective methods to constructively express their emotions.
    2. Healthy Choices Scale helps teens explore how healthy or unhealthy their lifestyle choices are.
    3. Social Media Safety Scale helps teens explore safe behaviors while texting, chatting, using social media sites, and surfing the Internet.
    4. Relationship Safety Scale helps teens explore the safety in their family, friendships, and dating relationships.
    5. Self-Harm Scale helps teens explore the extent to which they deliberately harm themselves in attempts to cope with intense, overwhelming emotions.

    Enrichment activities at the end of each chapter are a third tool for facilitators of teens from families struggling with substance abuse.

    This workbook is also part of the Teen Workbooks Set.

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