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Teen Friendship Workbook

Teen Friendship Workbook

Teen Friendship Workbook
Product Number 1669
Price: $49.95


Teen Friendship Workbook

By John J. Liptak, EdD and Ester A. Leutenberg - Illustrator Amy Brodsky, LISW-S. Reproducible Self-Assessments, Exercises and Educational Handouts. Teenagers' choosing healthy friendships is of monumental importance! As children enter middle school and high school, they will be experiencing changes in friends, personal style, social life, movies, music, emotions, etc., in fact in all aspects of their lives. The Teen Friendship Workbook will serve as a guide to assist teens in choosing their friends wisely, thus avoiding potentially risky situations. Being able to say "no" and not be negatively influenced by peers is one of the goals of this book.

Healthy friendships are full of joy, fun, caring, empathy and mutual support. Friendships grow with time and require a variety of skills that often need to be developed. The goal of this workbook is to help participants explore the skills they are using in their friendships. It incorporates interesting and eye-opening assessments to encourage participants to explore their own personal friendship behavior, as well as that of their friends.

The Teen Friendship Workbook contains five separate sections to help teens learn more about themselves and the skills that are fundamental to developing and maintaining healthy friendships. Participating in these exercises will help teens discover and better understand the importance of these skills to live in harmony with a friend or a set of friends.

  • Characteristics of Friends
  • Friendship Skills
  • Friend Communication Skills
  • Friendship Personality
  • Peer Pressure

    This workbook is also part of the Teen Workbooks Set of 3.

    This workbook is also part of the Teen Workbooks Set of 8.

    This workbook is also part of the Teen Workbooks Set of 10.

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