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Stopping the Pain Workbook

Stopping the Pain Workbook

Stopping the Pain Workbook
Product Number 1489
Price: $16.95


Stopping the Pain Workbook

Ages 12-18. A "must have" collection for anyone who works with teens. If you're cutting yourself you're not alone. Thousands of teens across the country think that hurting themselves is the only way they can feel better. There are a lot of reasons why teens hurt themselves. None of them are your fault. You can't change your past, but there is a lot you can do, right now, to make your future a place you'd like to spend time, a place free from the pain, loneliness and isolation of cutting. This workbook offers a great way for you to make it happen.

The exercises in Stopping the Pain will help you explore why you self-injure and give you lots of ideas how you can stop. The book will help you learn new skills for dealing with issues in your life, reduce your stress, and reach out to others when you need to.

This workbook is also part of the Emotional Intelligence Set of 10 Workbooks

This workbook is also part of the Emotional Intelligence Set of 16 Workbooks

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