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Stop Bullying Now! Workbook

Stop Bullying Now! Workbook

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Stop Bullying Now! Workbook with CD
Product Number 63029
Price: $29.95


Stop Bullying Now! Workbook

A Counseling and Prevention Workbook. By Franklin Rubinstein and Andrea Chorney.

Ages: 11-15. This workbook contains reproducible activities that can help you design a complete bully prevention program for middle school students. The workbook is divided into four sections: getting along with others, understanding bullying, understanding the targets of bullying, and understanding the role of bystanders. Each section contains a dozen or more activities that challenge kids to think about their behavior and develop better coping and social skills. The book is designed to be used both as a prevention curriculum as well as a tool for individual counseling. Soft-cover book, 110 pages.

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