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Social Skills Comics for Kids: Handling Anger in School

Social Skills Comics for Kids: Handling Anger in School

Social Skills Comics for Kids: Handling Anger in School
Product Number 2061
Price: $29.95


Social Skills Comics - Handling Anger in School

Ages 7-12. With the recent focus on bullying and violence in our schools, it is clear that we need to find ways to help children manage their anger so that they don't harm themselves or others. This book helps children find constructive, healthy ways to deal with angry feelings. There are 25 comic strips where real-life children act out different scenarios in which they are angry or upset. Readers are then presented with questions to help them think about why the response shown is inappropriate. Finally, the reader is shown another comic strip where the children demonstrate "good choices" for dealing with their anger. The book comes with a CD to print out individual pages of the book. Topics include: Solving the problem instead of just getting mad, using relaxation to calm down, learning to apologize, taking control instead of feeling helpless, understanding what's really making you upset, and many more.

This book is part of the Social Skills Comics set of 4 books.

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