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Sing Song Yoga Book with DVD

Sing Song Yoga Book with DVD

Sing Song Yoga Book with DVD and CD
Product Number 1895
Price: $39.95


Sing Song Yoga Book with DVD

By Deb Weiss-Gelmi. Life Skills and Self-Control Program for Elementary School Age Children.

Sing Song Yoga™ is an innovative children's yoga program that uses songs to teach the poses. Each pose has its own song. The original lyrics, set to the tune of traditional children’s songs, teach the children how to get into each pose. The children learn the songs which supports them in moving through the poses in class and at home. Includes a 44 minute DVD, 102 Page Teacher's Guide.

"Sing Song Yoga offers our kids a peaceful way to redirect their thinking, recharge their bodies, and renew their spirits. When given the choice of ‘electives’ at our school, many students will regularly choose Sing Song Yoga...even in lieu of an outdoor recess. Deb's soothing voice and comforting words make yoga accessible to all kids Kindergarten through 8th grade." -Kelli Gunn, Zeeland Michigan

Kid Quotes:

Cecelia K. age 9
"Sing Song Yoga has helped me get more flexible and it helps me clear my mind so I can be with my body and just feel nice."

Larissa A. age 10
"When I do SSY it gets my homework off my brain so I can float on a cloud."

Grace M. age 9
"When I do Sing Song Yoga it makes it so I’m not thinking of things that stress me so I feel better."

Lucas H. age 11
"I think SSY is something you should do often when you’re struggling with something or when you’re in a bad mood. I feel like it’s actually fun. When I have a problem I think what kind of yoga should I do."

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