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School Based Behavior Interventions, Strategies, and Tools Book

School   Based Behavior Interventions, Strategies, and Tools Book

School   Based Behavior Interventions, Strategies, and Tools
Product Number 2141
Price: $39.95


School-Based Behavior Interventions, Strategies, and Tools Book

Grades K-12. By Lisa Bundrick, LMSW and Alicia Backus, LCSW. Provides teachers, school social workers, psychologists, and counselors with information on mental health and behavior and practical interventions to help students succeed. It includes easy-to-use forms, checklists, and charts to record interventions, progress, and concerns. A section just for school social workers, psychologists, and counselors includes forms to make documentation easier.

This book can serve as a go-to guide for any educator who wants assistance in developing behavior interventions or documenting information regarding student concerns. 120-pages, spiral-bound.

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