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PeaceTalks Preventing Violence DVD

PeaceTalks   Preventing Violence DVD

PeaceTalks   Preventing Violence DVD
Product Number 349879
Price: $49.95


PeaceTalks - Preventing Violence DVD

A must-have tool for every violence-prevention program, Preventing Violence presents a powerful profile of the types of violence teenagers face today and the emotional toll it is taking on their lives. Personal stories are intercut with lively discussions on violence prevention. Practical strategies for avoiding and reducing violence emerge as students learn the importance of predicting consequences, cooling down, and walking away.

PeaceTalks is a research-based and award-winning program which incorporates multiple approaches shown to be effective in reducing aggression and violence. Hosted by Michael Pritchard, America's most respected teen counselor. Pritchard is a humorist, actor, youth activist, former probation officer, and PBS host.

PeaceTalks Educates kids about violence in our society, the risks they face every day, and the positive choices they can make to stay safe. PeaceTalks Prevents violence by teaching kids how to avoid dangerous situations, handle their own emotions, and use conflict resolution skills. PeaceTalks Empowers teens to learn how to get along with others.

Approximately 28 minutes. Leaders Guide available online.

This DVD is also part of the PeaceTalks DVD Series. To learn more about the DVD series see product 1284A.
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