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Out of This World: Tiglos vs Secca Ma (cope with bullying)

Out of This World: Tiglos vs Secca Ma (cope with bullying)

Product Number 53725
Price: $9.95

By John Filitti & Eric Erbes

This booklet is part of the Out Of This World guidance series for kids. Young people love comic books and activity pages. Out of This World books use a colorful, science fiction comic book format with activity pages to help kids learn important guidance lessons they will enjoy and want to share with their friends.

In this issue: After being captured by Secca Ma, Max and the gang have to find a way to break out of the compound in which they are being held. Meanwhile, Tiglos is questioned by Secca Ma and we find out that they used to be good friends. Until Secca Ma began bullying Tiglos that is. Along with Tiglos, the reader will learn new techniques to cope with bullying through the activities and discussions. Follow-up activities include:

--Discussion Questions

--Decoded Questions

--Coloring Pages


--Writing Activities

--and More!

Suitable for ages 8 to adolescence, 8x12 inches, 32 pages

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