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No More Bullies Set

No More Bullies Set

Product Number 1288A
Price: $68.97


No More Bullies Set

Grade level: 5-8. Created by teachers and guidance counselors, and field-tested for many years, this game and book deals effectively with the problem of bullying.

Set includes:

No More Bullies Board Game
By Marcia and Max Nass. This entertaining and stimulating game can help players learn how to handle bullies and stand up for themselves. Players will learn how to avoid being picked on, what to say to a bully, and who to talk to about the problem. Bullies will learn why they act the way they do and how they can handle their anger and frustrations without taking it out on someone else. This is a cooperative game in which all players must work together to get their possessions back from the bully, who has taken them. Players must also turn the "mean" bully on the board into a "reformed" bully - Mr. Nice Guy! - by covering him with puzzle pieces. 2-4 players.

No More Bullies Workbook
By Marcia Shoshana Nass. Based on the No More Bullies! game, this workbook teaches kids how to handle tough guys. Sam is afraid to go to school because he is afraid of Henry, the bully who has been picking on him lately. Sam is even having nightmares about being picked on. What is Sam to do? Hidden in the activity book are many important tips on how to deal with bullies like Henry. This workbook can help instill confidence and courage in kids who are bullied and help guide them to a peaceful resolution of their problem. Become "bully smart" with this fun activity book, which includes puzzles, mazes, and word searches, plus lots of tips for standing up to bullies! 93-pages, spiral-bound.

Products also sold individually.

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Drug Class 2: Impairment Part 2 DVD Drug Class Where do We Go from Here? DVD S.E.A.L.S. IV Cards
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For Teens Only Pamphlet: Stepfamily Living 25 pack
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101 Bully Prevention Activities   Book
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101 Bully Prevention Activities Book Strategies for Using Art for Self Reflection Book Orejas, Miedos, Lágrima Ears, Fears, Tears Book Spanish Version

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