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Most Used, Most Abused Drug Series, Set of 4 DVDs

Most Used, Most Abused Drug Series, Set of 4 DVDs

Product Number 1524A
Price: $139.95


Most-Used, Most-Abused Drug Series, Set of 4 DVDs

This set of 4 DVDs discusses the topics of the most used, most abused drugs. Topics include binge drinking, smoking, alcohol and tobacco. DVDs are 17-25 minutes. Leader's guides are available online.

Set includes one each of the following titles:

Binge-Drinking Blowout Show 2.0
A cell phone text conversation informs us that Justin is dead after "passing out" playing "Hot Shots," a drinking game. Students share experiences of blackouts, violence, date rape encounters, and alcohol poisoning emergencies, while friends and families of victims tell students about the heavy price they paid.

Smoking-The Toxic Truth
Jill texts Zoey with the news that she has broken up with her boyfriend because of his smoking. Throughout the DVD, Jill and Zoey discuss the negatives of smoking and how it divides teens socially.

This is Your Brain on Alcohol
Popular high school students present groundbreaking information about the effects of alcohol on developing brains for middle school students. The message in this peer education DVD is clear: Alcohol use is neither healthy nor cool.

Tobacco Horror Picture Show
A text message chat between brothers kicks off this DVD, a hit video combining humor with horror in a memorable format to drive home the message that nicotine hooks you, while tar in tobacco kills you.

DVDs also sold individually.

Smart Teen Minute Card: (50 Pack) What You Need to Know... About Smoking
What Should I Do Now? Card Game
Gaining Insight for Teens Cards
Smart Teen Minute Card: (50 Pack) What You Need to Know... About Smoking What Should I Do Now? Card Game Gaining Insight for Teens Cards
My 2 Homes Board Game
ABCs of Asthma
For Teens Only Pamphlet: Developing a Healthy Body Image 25 pack
My 2 Homes Board Game ABCs of Asthma For Teens Only Pamphlet: Developing a Healthy Body Image 25 pack
Drug Class 3   Celebrate Sobriety DVD
Drug Class Set 39 DVD Titles  (Drug Class Seasons 1, 2, and 3)
The Bear Who Lost His Sleep Book
Drug Class 3 Celebrate Sobriety DVD Drug Class Set 39 DVD Titles (Drug Class Seasons 1, 2, and 3) The Bear Who Lost His Sleep Book

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