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Lifeskills Cards for Teens: Dear Jess, I'm Stressed!

Lifeskills Cards for Teens: Dear Jess, I'm Stressed!

Lifeskills Cards for Teens: Dear Jess, Im Stressed!
Product Number 383598
Price: $21.95


Lifeskills Cards for Teens: Dear Jess, I'm Stressed!

  • Facilitate discussions for teens about complex issues
  • Each card has a letter from a stressed out teen asking for advice
  • Includes 72 Cards
  • Ages 12-18

Uses age appropriate questions to start teens thinking about the vital issues in their lives. Each card has a letter from a stressed-out teen asking advice. Teens pretend they are Jess and offer advice. It's easy to expand the discussion to include the entire group. 72 cards.

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