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LifeSteps: Taking Charge DVD

LifeSteps: Taking Charge DVD

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Product Number 349900
Price: $59.95


LifeSteps: Taking Charge DVD

With Michael Pritchard. Grade level: 6-12. This critical program builds the emotional skills of responsibility as students integrate the fundamentals of self-control: taking charge of their emotions, coping with stress, avoiding impulsive behavior, developing self-discipline, and managing anger. The objectives of this program are for viewers to learn the importance of self-control and practical ways to achieve it, to recognize personal signs of stress, to develop positive techniques for responding to pressure, and to use anger management techniques as a way of avoiding violence. 30-minutes, leader's guide available online.

Features actual students filmed in actual schools and uses lively, spontaneous discussions, dramatized dilemmas, topical humor, and the sensitive, supportive guidance of Michael Pritchard to encourage, engage, and educate viewers. Pritchard is a youth educator, humorist, actor, former probation officer, and host of award-winning series.

This DVD is also part of the LifeSteps DVD Series.

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