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LifeSteps: Responsibility DVD

LifeSteps: Responsibility DVD

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Product Number 349885
Price: $59.95


LifeSteps: Responsibility DVD

With Michael Pritchard. Grade level: 6-12. Teens master the first rule of responsibility: to do no harm to themselves or to others as they confront difficult choices about sex. Dependability and trustworthiness are championed as students learn to ask themselves the guiding question: What is the most important thing I need to be doing right now? The objectives of this program are for viewers to learn the relationship between responsibility and freedom, learn to understand the importance of personal responsibility, learn risk-assessment skills to avoid dangerous situations, learn to think responsibly about romantic relationships. 30-minutes, leader's guide available online.

Features actual students filmed in actual schools and uses lively, spontaneous discussions, dramatized dilemmas, topical humor, and the sensitive, supportive guidance of Michael Pritchard to encourage, engage, and educate viewers. Pritchard is a youth educator, humorist, actor, former probation officer, and host of award-winning series.

This DVD is also part of the LifeSteps DVD Series.

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