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LifeSkills Card Decks for Adults Set of 6

LifeSkills Card Decks for Adults Set of 6

LifeSkills Card Decks for Adults Set of 6
Product Number 370357
Price: $104.97


LifeSkills Card Decks for Adults Set of 6

Six new topics in the same time-tested format! 72 insight-oriented cards in each deck are carefully designed to promote skill building. Whether used with the LifeSkills Circle Game or on their own, with a group or an individual, these cards are sure to start a thought-provoking discussion. Instruction sheets included.

Set includes 1 each of the following titles:

Activities of Daily Living This card deck is designed for people who want to explore life activities, as well as get support and new ideas about daily life activities. Some of the topics include personal hygiene, grooming and appearance, sleep and rest, care of ourselves and others, financial management, meals, household management, and safety. Players can be anyone who would benefit from exploring or who is interested in the topic of daily life skills.

Building Healthy Supports This card deck is designed for people who want to explore how to build healthy supports - both by being supported and supportive. Some of the topics include the importance of support, how to find and keep support, and how to be supportive. Anyone can play who is interested in the topic or who might benefit from an improved or expanded support system.

Social Situations This card deck is designed for people who want to explore issues common to challenging social situations. These hypothetical situations might be familiar or unfamiliar, realistic or far-fetched, but all scenarios will provide learning opportunities when, at the conclusion, they ask the question, "What do you do?" Situations include a variety of people -ranging from neighbors and acquaintances to family and friends. Players can be anyone involved in social situations.

Who Am I? Warm Ups This card deck is designed for people who want to get to know each other in a non-threatening environment. The topics are light and of a non-confidential nature; they are not deep and personal. These cards are appropriate if a group leaders wants to develop rapport and a safe environment with group members and/or if group members do not know each other and basic trust needs to be established. Three areas are explored: things from the past, what is happening in the present, and what might happen in the future.

Healthy Body Healthy Mind This card deck is designed for people who want to explore the connection between having a healthy body and healthy mind, and related issues. A wide variety of topics are explored including eating, values regarding health, faith, relaxation, exercise and activities, substances, anxiety, depression, risk-taking, healthcare teams, etc. Players can be anyone who wants to explore this interesting topic.

Managing Your Mental Health This card deck is designed for people who want to explore the issues common to consumers of mental health services and their families. Some of the topics include knowledge of diagnoses, common obstacles, feelings of hope and empowerment, symptoms, how to access help, coping skills, medications and members of the healthcare team. Players can be clients who have been diagnosed for a while or newly diagnosed individuals.

Card decks also sold individually.
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