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Life Skills & Mental Health Workbooks 12 book Set

Life Skills & Mental Health Workbooks   12 book Set

Life Skills & Mental Health Workbooks   12 book Set
Product Number 1664A
Price: $599.40


Life Skills & Mental Health Workbooks

By Dr. John Liptak and Ester A. Leutenberg. This essential series of workbooks contains self-assessments, exercises and educational and reflection questions for journaling. All exercises are reproducible.

Set includes one each of the following titles:

The Essential Work Skills Workbook
Given the rapid rate of change in the workplace, prospective workers need to develop new skill sets to cope and thrive in this changing economy. Mergers, takeovers and business- closings will continue to be the business norm. Workers with the most effective work skills will be the most likely to retain their position and even thrive in the workplace. The purpose of this workbook is to provide workers and prospective workers with the requisite skills they will need to be successful in any work setting.

The Discovering Your Spiritual Path Workbook
Spirituality is a critical component of the overall concept of wellness. Spiritual wellness has been described as a process of getting in touch with your inner self by exploring the spiritual themes in your life and thereby discovering your personal spiritual ideas and understandings. One of the goals of this workbook is to open participants to the possibilities of spirituality and its benefits and to either start them on their spiritual path or assist them in enriching their present spiritual path.

The Personal and Intimate Relationship Workbook
Being in an intimate relationship can be one of the most joyful experiences imaginable. Intimate relationships play a critical role in a person's overall health and wellness. An intimate relationship provides an antidote to the worries, tension, depression and the stress of our everyday lives. Intimate relationships can be the best - and the most challenging - part of a person's experience. The goal of this workbook is to help each participant explore personal and partner behaviors.

The Practical Life Skills Workbook
Practical Life Skills will help participants learn more about themselves and the competencies they possess in many life skills areas including: Problem-solving, Money management, Time management & Self-awareness.

The Wellness Lifestyle Workbook
This workbook contains six sections to help participants learn more about themselves and their lifestyles. They will learn about a wellness lifestyle that promotes health and well-being by exploring: Coping with stress, Physical fitness, Creative leisure, Healthy relationships, Spiritual wellness, Life skills.

The Anger and Aggression Workbook
Help participants learn how anger and aggression are impacting their lives, and how to make constructive changes, gain insight and learn strategies. Each section of the book contains self-assessment instruments, activity handouts, reflection questions for journaling, and educational handouts-all reproducible.

The Communication Skills Workbook
Uses two powerful psychological tools designed to enhance communication skills: self-assessment and journaling. Participants will learn more about themselves as well as the impact of effective and ineffective communication patterns. Each section begins with a self-assessment that is easy to administer, score and interpret.

The Substance Abuse & Recovery Workbook
Contains self-assessments, exploratory activities, reflective journaling exercises and educational handout, all reproducible. The book contains five sections that help individuals: determine the level of their addiction, examine personality traits that predispose them to various addictions, measure codependency characteristics, understand relapse warning signs and identify excuses they may be using to continue their abuse of substances. Deals with a wide variety of addictions including: drug and alcohol, caffeine, tobacco products, computer gambling and more.

The Building Resiliency Workbook
The Building Resiliency Workbook contains five separate sections to help participants learn more about themselves and how to build resiliency which will enable them to thrive in times of adversity, change and stress. They will learn about the importance of building resiliency skills to turn change and stress into opportunities and challenge, to live life zestfully, and to take positive actions in order to live their lives with less stress.

The Domestic Violence Survival Workbook
Domestic abuse is very complex and can take many different forms-physical, sexual, psychological, emotional, and verbal. The five sections of the workbook help participants learn skills for recognizing and dealing with abusive relationships. They are Symptoms of Abuse; Types of Abuse; Partner Behavior; Elder Abuse; Self-Empowerment.

The Successful Team-Building Workbook
Team Building refers to a process of establishing and developing a sense of collection, and trust among team members.  The five sections of the book (Team Player Characteristics; Team Roles; Team Personalities; Team Leadership; Team Communication), help participants recognize the unique strengths and weakness of themselves as well as other team members, and learn skills for building, maintaining, and motivating a cohesive team.

The Conflict Management Workbook
The reproducible activities in this book help participants learn about:
  • Beliefs about Conflict
  • Conflict Management Styles
  • Active Listening Skills
  • Determining Hot Buttons
  • Negotiation Styles.

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