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Life Management Skills VII Book

Life Management Skills VII Book

Life Management Skills VII Book
Product Number 350338
Price: $49.95


Life Management Skills VII Book

By Kathy L. Korb-Khalsa, OTR/L and Estelle A. Leutenberg.

This book is filled with fun, innovative, and informative reproducible activity handouts and is organized in a logical manner, designed for specific well-defined purposes, and is activity-based allowing for extensive client involvement. The handouts are adaptable and have a broad usage enabling therapists, social workers, nurses, teachers, psychologists, counselors, and other professionals to focus on specific goals with their specified population. Some of the topics in the book include emotions, anxiety, coping skills, money management, relapse prevention, self-esteem, skill development, time management, and more. 122 pages, spiral-bound.

This product is also part of the Life Management Skills Books.

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