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Life Management Skills IV Book & Cards Set

Life Management Skills IV Book & Cards Set

Life Management Skills IV Book & Cards Set
Product Number 374269
Price: $61.97


Life Management Skills IV Book & Cards Set

Life Management Skills IV Book:
By Kathy L. Korb-Khalsa, OTR/L and Estelle A. Leutenberg. This book is filled with fun, innovative, and informative reproducilbe activity handouts and is organized in a logical manner, designed for specific well-defined purposes, and is activity-based allowing for extensive client involvement. The handouts are adaptable and have a broad usage enabling therapists, social workers, nurses, teachers, psychologists, counselors, and other professionals to focus on specific goals with their specified population. Some of the topics in the book include coping with serious mental illness, home management, journalizing, parenting, responsibility, job readiness, activities of daily living, values, and more. 61 pages, spiral-bound.

Life Management Skills IV Cards:
These cards are designed to facilitate discussions & development of life management skills. They cover a wide variety of topics. 4-14 players. 63 cards, 9 blank cards, instructions.

Examples: What are 4 ways to improve your self-care?
If you were looking for a job, name 4 things about yourself that would be very important to the person that is hiring you.
Would writing a letter to someone who upset you in the past help you? Why? Would you mail that letter?

This book is also part of the Life Management Skills Books & Cards Set.

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