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Julia Cook Books Set of 3

Julia Cook Books Set of 3

Product Number 15901
Price: $29.85


Julia Cook Books Set of 3

Set includes 1 each of the following soft-cover books

My Mouth is Volcano
Ages: 4 & Up. Louis always interrupts! In fact, he finds his words erupt from him as if his mouth is a volcano. He can't seem to stop himself. This book uses an empathetic approach to the habit of interrupting and teaches children a witty technique to help them wait for their turn to speak and respect others by listening. 32-pages.

Personal Space Camp
Ages: 4 & Up. Louis, a self-taught "space expert," is delighted to learn that his teacher has sent him to the principal's office to attend Personal Space Camp. He soon discovers that he has much to learn about personal space right here on Earth. Written with style, wit, and rhythm, this book addresses the complex issue of respect for another person's physical boundaries. Told from Louis' perspective, this story is a must-have resource for anyone who wants to communicate the idea of personal space in a manner that connects with kids. 32-page soft cover book.

A Bad Case of Tattle Tongue
Ages: 4 & Up. This humorous and clever book tells the story of Josh the Tattler, who tattles so much that he has no friends. One day he wakes up to find his ever-tattling tongue is yellow and covered in bright purple spots! 32 Pages.

Books are also available individually.

Kelly Bear Behavior Book, Set of 10
Orejas, Miedos, Lágrima   Ears, Fears, Tears Book Spanish Version
Helping Sharing Caring Scriptbook
Kelly Bear Behavior Book, Set of 10 Orejas, Miedos, Lágrima Ears, Fears, Tears Book Spanish Version Helping Sharing Caring Scriptbook

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