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Health Secrets Pamphlet: Avoiding the Cold & Flu 25 pack

Health Secrets Pamphlet: Avoiding the Cold & Flu 25 pack

Product Number 70505
Price: $9.75


Health Secrets Pamphlet: Avoiding the Cold & Flu 25-pack

Grades: 3-6. Keeping kids healthy and aware of health risks is easy with this brightly illustrated pamphlet written in easy-to-understand language. This brochure gives the facts and the simple actions that kids can take to stay in top health. Discusses what a cold is, what the flu is, avoiding the cold and flu, what you need to know to lower your chances of catching a cold or the flu, tips to remember, and how germs travel. Size: 8-1/2" x 3-1/2", tri-fold, full color.

Sold in packs of 25 pamphlets of the same title.
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