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Everything I Do You Blame on Me! Book

Everything I Do You Blame on Me! Book

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Everything I Do You Blame on Me! Book
Product Number 367052
Price: $19.95


Everything I Do You Blame on Me! Book

Ages: 4-10. By Allyson Aborn, MSW, CSW and illustrated by Stu Goldman.

A book to help children control their anger. In the first part of this "double book", children follow progress of a boy named Eddie & learn some of the most effective techniques available to help children control & transform their anger. In the second book, children practice their own decision-making skills as they choose their own resolutions to the conflicts experienced by a boy having common difficulties with his family. Soft-cover, 112 pages.

This book is also part of the Bibliotherapy Starter Set. To learn more about this set see product 1722A.

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