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Early Prevention Series

Early Prevention Series

Product Number 390492
Price: $152.97


Early Prevention Series

Ages: 4-8. The books in this unique series feature an animal that loses the very thing he or she is known for, but then regains it with the help of simple, sound advice. Great for the classroom or counselor's office.

Each book comes with an adorable stuffed animal figure.

Series includes one each of the following 9 titles:

The Lion Who Lost His Roar Item # 382458
The Rabbit Who Lost His Hop Item # 382467
The Penguin Who Lost Her Cool Item # 382465
The Hyena Who Lost Her Laugh Item # 382455
The Horse Who Lost Her Herd Item # 390493
The Chimp Who Lost Her Chatter Item # 382444
The Bear Who Lost His Sleep Item # 382443
The Koala Who Wouldn't Cooperate Item # 390499
The Cheetah Who Lost Her Speed Item #390505

Books also sold individually.

The Stress Management Program Book
LifeSkills Card Decks for Adults Set of 6
Consideration Counts Ball
The Stress Management Program Book LifeSkills Card Decks for Adults Set of 6 Consideration Counts Ball
The You & Me Social Skills Card Game
Attention Games for the Classroom
Lifeskills Card Set for Teens
The You & Me Social Skills Card Game Attention Games for the Classroom Lifeskills Card Set for Teens
L.A.U.G.H. Activity Book
Teen Stress Pamphlet: Coping with Academic Stress 25 pack
Drug Class 2: Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome DVD
L.A.U.G.H. Activity Book Teen Stress Pamphlet: Coping with Academic Stress 25 pack Drug Class 2: Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome DVD

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