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Don't Let Your Emotions Run Your Life for Teens Activity Book

Don't Let Your Emotions Run Your Life for Teens Activity Book

Dont Let Your Emotions Run Your Life for Teens Activity Book
Product Number 1940
Price: $16.95


Don't Let Your Emotions Run Your Life for Teens Workbook

Ages 12-18. A "must have" collection for anyone who works with teens. In this book, you'll find new ways of managing your feelings so that you'll be ready to handle anything life sends your way. Based in dialectical behavior therapy, a type of therapy designed to help people who have a hard time handling their intense emotions, this workbook helps you learn the skills you need to ride the ups and downs of life with grace and confidence.

This book offers easy techniques to help you:
Stay calm and mindful in difficult situations
Effectively manage out-of-control emotions
Reduce the pain of intense emotions
Get along with family and friends

This workbook is also part of the Emotional Intelligence Set of 10 Workbooks

This workbook is also part of the Emotional Intelligence Set of 16 Workbooks

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