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Creating a Healthy Balanced Life

Creating a Healthy Balanced Life

Creating a Healthy Balanced Life
Product Number 1665
Price: $49.95


Creating a Healthy Balanced Life

Unique reproducible activities and handouts
By Sandra K. Negley, MTRS, CTRS and Ester A. Leutenberg - Illustrator Amy Brodsky, LISW-S

Living a healthy, balanced life is a process that happens moment-to-moment, day-to-day, and is filled with surprises and challenges. It is not something that can be placed on a scale and then equally divided between our relationships, work, recreation and self. Our daily choices guide us in balancing our life. When we become more present in our daily thoughts and actions we can create a healthier, more harmonious balance, and take personal control of our life.

The ultimate goal of this book, Creating a Healthy Balanced Life, is to provide the therapist, group facilitator or lay leader ideas and resources for facilitating individual or group sessions on living a healthy balanced life. The authors approached the subject with the understanding that every individual has their own definition of health and balance, as well as their own picture of what a healthy balanced life might look like. Using current literature, personal clinical practice, life-experiences and a combined total of 125+ years of striving for a healthy balanced life, the authors designed this book as a framework for presenting key topics to help enhance the quality of life for others.

The book is divided into five chapters:

  • The Mind Body Soul,
    • Attitude,
    • Stress-less,
    • Relationships, and
    • Leisure /Recreation/Play.

    Each chapter includes unique activities and handouts utilizing eight styles of learning so you can successfully engage all of your clients and groups on a journey toward a healthy balanced life.

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