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Coping with Difficult People Workbook

Coping with Difficult People Workbook

Coping with Difficult People Workbook
Product Number 1916
Price: $39.95


Coping with Difficult People Workbook

Teens & Adults. By Dr. John J. Liptak & Ester A. Leutenberg. Difficult people are everywhere. We encounter difficult people at home, in the workplace, school, and grocery market - anywhere. How much they affect us often depends on our self-esteem, ability to recognize “hot buttons” and effectiveness of communication skills. Because participants will encounter difficult people in all aspects of their lives, it is important for them to learn a way of dealing with them.

The Coping with Difficult People Workbook contains assessments and guided self-exploration activities that can be used with a variety of populations to help participants learn to cope more effectively with difficult people.

Activities are divided into four chapters to help you identify and select assessments easily and quickly:

• Chapter 1: Types of Difficult People – This chapter helps participants identify and learn about the various types of difficult people they may encounter.

• Chapter 2: Communicating with Difficult People – This chapter helps participants learn their strengths in communicating, and learn more effective ways of communicating with difficult people in their lives.

• Chapter 3: Coping Skills – This chapter helps participants explore how well they are coping with difficult people, and learn some alternative techniques for ways to cope.

• Chapter 4: Assertive Confrontation Style – This chapter helps participants explore their style in confronting difficult people, and learn effective confrontational tools and techniques.

All of the guided activities are fully reproducible for use with your clients/participants. 92 Pages
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