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Brain Boosting Activities for Groups Book & Cards

Brain   Boosting Activities for Groups Book & Cards

Brain   Boosting Activities for Groups Book & Cards Brain   Boosting Activities for Groups Book & Cards Brain   Boosting Activities for Groups Book & Cards
Product Number 374551
Price: $57.97


Brain - Boosting Activities for Groups Book & Cards

Grade level: 9 & Up. This bundle of 52 activities and 72 cards challenges teens with fun and engaging mental workouts addressing each of these topics: decision-making, problem-solving, concentration, critical thinking skills, and creativity.

Set includes 1 each of the following:

52 Brain-Boosting Activities for Groups Book By Rick Germann, MA, LCPC. Challenge teens with these fun and engaging mental workout exercises that use cognitive skills to: improve memory, decision-making, problem-solving, concentration, thinking skills, and creativity. Each activity is reproducible with step-by-step instructions for leading the activity, processing suggestions, and tips to adjust the activities to the functioning level of the participants. Activities are rated easy, moderate, or challenging. This book is designed to be user-friendly and applicable to a variety of settings. 54-pages, spiral-bound

Brain Boosters Cards This deck is sure to arouse memory, creativity, and imagination. It will also enhance decision-making and problem-solving skills...and it's fun! 3-16 players. 72 cards, instructions.


Pretend you are a talk show host. Find a prop for a microphone and select two people from the audience to interview. Ask them to describe the best surprise they ever had.

Imagine that we are giving you an egg carton to use for anything but raw eggs. Name three things you can do with it.

If you had an extra half an hour every day, what would you do with it? Go around the room and ask everyone else.
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