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Anxiety and Avoidance Book

Anxiety and Avoidance Book

Bk Anxiety and Avoidance
Product Number 2162
Price: $17.95


Anxiety and Avoidance Book

A Universal Treatment for Anxiety, Panic, and Fear
By: Michael A. Tompkins PhD

Tompkins presents a universal protocol to help you cope with anxiety, panic, and fear, regardless of your particular mental health diagnosis. This universal protocol is based on David H. Barlow's "unified protocol," and is a cognitive behavioral approach. Tompkins also draws on mindfulness-based therapies such as acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) that have been used successfully in the treatment of anxiety disorders for years.

The book includes present-moment awareness (mindfulness) techniques, motivational tools for overcoming experiential avoidance, and cognitive tools for reframing anxiety and fear. In addition, you will learn how to use your personal values as a vehicle for lasting change. While most anxiety treatments have focused on symptom reduction, this book teaches you the skills needed to better handle the underlying emotional reactions that lead to anxiety and panic in the first place. 192-pages.

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