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BK Teaching Children Empathy Book

BK Teaching Children Empathy Book

BK Teaching Children Empathy Book with CD
Product Number 2210
Price: $39.95


Teaching Children Empathy, The Social Emotion Book with CD

By: Tonia Caselman, Ph.D. Grades: K-6. Helping children develop greater empathy-related awareness and skills can help prevent negative social behaviors such as bullying, meanness, and alienation. Empathy is a fundamental social emotion because it brings a sense of emotional connection to others. It is this awareness that is not only basic to all healthy relationships; it is the root of pro-social behavior, altruism, kindness and peace. Empathy has cognitive, affective and behavioral components that can be learned and improved upon by children.

The lessons and activities in this book are designed to:
Teach students the value of empathy.
Assist students in recognizing their own and others feelings.
Help students put themselves in someone elses shoes.
Instruct students how to exhibit understanding and acceptance. Each topic-related lesson includes five inviting worksheets that can be reproduced and used repeatedly with elementary school-aged students. 132 Pages.

Topics include:
What is Empathy?
Knowing Your Own Feelings
Learning to Read Others Feelings
Feeling Others’ Feelings
Temporarily Putting Your Own Feelings Aside
Making Supportive Statements
Doing Supportive Things
Making / Keeping Friends
Conflict Resolution
Accepting Diversity
Developing Self-Respect

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