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Actions & Consequences Adult & Teen Version Set

Actions & Consequences Adult & Teen Version Set

Product Number 67920
Price: $46.71


Actions & Consequences Adult & Teen Version Set

By Estelle A. Leutenburg & Kathy L. Khalsa OTR/L. These interactive card games are developed to help participants stop, think about their options, consider the consequences of their behavior, and ultimately make better personal choices. 75 real-life situation cards in each game. Each card describes a situation. For each situation in both of the card games, three questions will be asked to shape a new way of thinking:
1. What would I most likely do (in real life)?
2. What is most likely to happen if I do this?
3. Would my action result in a positive or negative outcome?

Set includes one each of the following card games:

Actions & Consequences Teen Version explores six relevant areas: Alcohol and Drugs; Family; Managing Anger, Time, and Money; Peer Relations; Personal Health and Responsibility; Rules and Laws. Complete instructions guide the leader into discussion of responding rather than reacting, and a method of choosing powerfully to have desired outcomes rather than negative consequences.

Actions & Consequences Adult Version This card game is designed to practice making choices, taking actions and reviewing consequences in everyday life. It is for non-emergency situations that occur in day-to-day experiences in relationships, at work, at parties, etc. Addresses several areas in which adults may have challenges: anger, money, personal health, recovery, relationships and communication, and responsibilities.
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