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ADHD: 102 Practical Strategies for "Reducing the Deficit" Book

ADHD: 102 Practical Strategies for "Reducing the Deficit" Book

ADHD: 102 Practical Strategies for "Reducing the Deficit" Book
Product Number 20841A
Price: $29.95


ADHD: 102 Practical Strategies for "Reducing the Deficit" Book

by Kim "Tip" Frank, Ed.S, L.P.C. and Susan J. Smith-Rex, Ed.D.

Ages 5-17. This great resource is concise and easy-to-follow and features powerful strategies to help ADD/ADHD students improve their academic and social/emotional abilities. The authors present 102 ways parents and professionals can help children and adolescents cope with and overcome ADHD. Included are checklists and charts to help with organizational skills. Soft Cover, 94 Pages.
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