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52 Brain Boosting Activities for Groups Book

52 Brain Boosting Activities for Groups Book

Brain Boosting Activities,Decision Making,Problem Solving Techniques
Product Number 363826
Price: $44.95


52 Brain-Boosting Activities for Groups Book with CD

Grade level: 9 & Up. By Rick Germann, MA, LCPC. Challenge teens with these fun and engaging mental workout exercises that use cognitive skills to: improve memory, decision-making, problem-solving, concentration, thinking skills, and creativity. Each activity is reproducible with step-by-step instructions for leading the activity, processing suggestions, and tips to adjust the activities to the functioning level of the participants. Activities are rated easy, moderate, or challenging. This book is designed to be user-friendly and applicable to a variety of settings. 54-pages, spiral-bound, includes CD

Need additional brain boosting? Try the Brain Booster Cards. To learn more about the cards see product 349462. Or to purchase the book and cards as a set see product 374551.
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