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101 Positive Memory Activities: Using Memories to Master Emotions Book and Cards

101 Positive Memory Activities: Using Memories to Master Emotions Book and Cards

101 Positive Memory Activities: Using Memories to Master Emotions Book and Cards
Product Number 370717
Price: $59.90


101 Positive Memory Activities: Using Memories to Master Emotions Book and Cards

By Gregory S. Hughes. MS.

This reproducible book's aim is to retrieve specific positive memories from the past with open-ended questions, which in turn will result in a heightened sense of well being and positive behaviors. The user of the book responds through words and/or images, and learns how to create pleasurable feelings by thinking positive thoughts. Each page includes a quotation to spark conversation or activity work, written prompts to 'get you going', and blank space for the positive memory work. 112 pages, spiral bound. The 72 cards help introduce or expand your positive thinking groups
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