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The Understanding Faces Game

The Understanding Faces Game

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The Understanding Faces Game
Product Number 389541
Price: $59.95


The Understanding Faces Game

Ages: 6-12. Great for kids with Asperger's syndrome or those who have difficulty with reading emotions. This game is designed to introduce children to several aspects of understanding facial expressions, including two key concepts: 1) Different facial expressions are associated with different feelings. 2) Different people may have different facial reactions to the same situation.

Game comes with 50 colorful pictures of children with different facial expressions. Players pick a Face Card and try to match the expression closest to the feeling. Correct answers advance the player. Prompts encourage kids to do fun stunts and make faces to express a variety of emotions. For 3-6 players.

60 Face cards (2 of each expression)
48 Situation cards
2 dice
6 pawns
100 Chips
2 write-on/wipe-off slates (for use with the two-player version of this game)

This product is also part of the Social Skills/Asperger's Syndrome Game Set.

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