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Gaining Insight for Adults Cards

Gaining Insight for Adults Cards

Gaining Insight for Adults Cards
Product Number 337708
Price: $27.95


Gaining Insight for Adults Cards

Adults. Insight is a valuable asset. Our insights help us to know what we do well and in what areas we might do better. Each of the 75 cards pose self-reflective questions to the participants. The first question on the cards looks at a value, skill, or behavior and asks players to rank themselves on a 1-10 scale. The next three questions on the card delve deeper into the issue, providing new ways to look at oneself. As a result of insights gained, opportunities for growth are explored. Complete instructions include group process suggestions. 75 cards, instructions.

Examples of cards:

On a scale from 1-10 (1 being the lowest and 10 the highest), how would you rate yourself on...being truthful to yourself?
What prevents you from being truthful to yourself?
What feeling or belief would help you be truthful to yourself?
What action or people would help you be truthful to yourself?

On a scale from 1-10 (1 being the lowest and 10 the highest), how would you rate yourself on...having a positive attitude?
What prevents you from having a positive attitude?
What feeling or belief would help you have a positive attitude?
What action or people would help you have a positive attitude?
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